Text incipit / Title (37) |
Agnus Dei |
Burial Service (see I am the resurrection, I know that my redeemer, We brought nothing) |
De profundis clamavi |
Domine Dominus noster |
Domine fac mecum |
Domine non est exaltatum |
Eheu! Sustulerunt Dominum |
First Service of 4 and 5 parts to the organ (Te, Bs, K, Cr) Numbering follows Barnard; in some sources the evening canticles of the evening service are paired with the morning canticles of the first service) (There are at least 3 different K. The K in 400-04 is by Child; the K in 59-90 differs from that in 29-40 which in turn differs from that in III) |
First Service of 4 and 5 parts to the organ (V, Te, Bs, Cr) |
First Service of 4 and 5 parts to the organ (V, Te, Bs, K, Cr) Numbering follows Barnard; in some sources the evening canticles of the evening service are paired with the morning canticles of the first service) (There are at least 3 different K. The K in 400-04 is by Child; the K in 59-90 differs from that in 29-40 which in turn differs from that in III) |
Gaude Maria virgo, part 2: Virgo prudentissima (version of Gaude Maria virgo by Philips) |
Heu mihi Domine |
How long wilt thou forget me |
I am the resurrection (Pt II: I know that my redeemer liveth, Pt III: We brought nothing, Pt IV: Man that is born, Pt V: In the midst of life, Pt VI: I heard a voice) |
I call with my whole heart (see Preces, Responses and Psalm 119: 145) |
I heard a voice (Pt VI of I am the resurrection) |
I know that my redeemer liveth (Pt II of I am the resurrection) |
In manus tuas Domine |
In the midst of life (Pt V of I am the resurrection) |
Laboravi in gemitu meo |
Let my complaint (see Preces, Responses and Psalm 119:169) |
Ma, N |
Man that is born (Pt IV of I am the resurrection) |
Nolo mortem peccatoris... Father I am |
O amica mea, part 2: Dentes tui sicut greges |
O consider mine adversity (see Preces, Responses and Ps. 119:153) |
O Jesu meek |
Out of the deep (I) (English version of De profundis) |
Out of the deep (II) |
Preces, Responses and Psalm (Ps 119: 145-176) (f., verses 145-168; v, verses 169-76) |
Preces, Responses and Psalm (Ps 119: 169-76) |
Princes have persecuted me (see Preces, Responses, and Psalm 119:161) |
Second Service, the three minnoms or pricksemibref, of 5 parts (Ma, N) |
Short Evening Service (Ma, N) |
Teach me thy way, O Lord |
Thou knowest Lord |
We brought nothing (Pt III of I am the resurrection) |