Text incipit / Title (52) |
(Post partum virgo), extracts a Unde nostris à4, b Tellus flumina à3 |
(Sub tuum) protectionem |
Ad te clamamus (part of Salve regina) |
Alleluia |
Ave caput Christi, extract Ave caput |
Blessed are all they |
Cantate Domino canticum novum, part 2: Exsultabunt sancti |
Christ is risen (Pt II of Christ rising again) (inc) |
Christ rising again (inc) |
Christus resurgens, instrumental |
Christus resurgens, part 2: Dicant nunc Judaei |
Crucifixus, see Domine Deus caelestis |
De |
Deliver us, good Lord |
Domine Deus caelestis, extracts a Domine Deus, b Da illi Domine |
Evening Service, to Mr. Parsley's Service (Ma, N) |
From the depth I called |
Give alms of thy goods |
Gloria laus et honor tibi |
Haste thee, O God (see Shepherd: authorship not established) |
I have loved |
I lift my heart to thee |
I will exalt thee |
I will magnify thee (inc) |
If ye be risen again |
In pace in idipsum |
In quo corriget, extracts a In quo corriget, b In corde meo |
Jesum Nazarenum, see Byrd Passione Domini |
Kyrie |
Laudate nomen Domini, Latin adaptation of The Actes of the Apostles (edn. EECM 19) |
Magnificat, extract Esurientes |
Magnificat, extract Quia fecit |
Mass |
Mass: Euge bone |
Mass: Western Wind |
Miserere mei Deus |
My trust, O Lord |
N |
O God, be merciful unto us |
O let the people rejoice (Pt III of O God, be merciful unto us) |
O Lord of hosts (see Shepherd) |
O Lord, deliver me (see I lift my heart to thee) |
O splendor gloriae, see Taverner |
Omnes gentes plaudite, part 2: Psallite Deo |
Peccavimus cum patribus |
Praise ye the Lord |
Quaesumus omnipotens |
Save me, O God, for thy name's sake |
Sing unto the Lord (Pt II of I will exalt thee) |
Te Deum laudamus |
That we may know (Pt II of O God, be merciful unto us) |
To Father, Son and Goly Ghost (inc) |