Composer | Dates | Title / Incipit | Page / Folio / No |
CHILD William | 1606–1697 | Short Service, the whole or full service, in A, (Te & J) | 3 |
CHILD William | 1606–1697 | Whole Service, the sharp service, in D sol re (I) (Te, J, Ma, N) | 29 |
GIBBONS Orlando | 1583–1625 | Behold, thou hast made my days | 29 |
FARRANT Richard | d. 1581 | The High Service, the Third, Old or Short Service (Te, Bs, Ma, N) | 35 |
FARRANT Richard | d. 1581 | Call to remembrance | 59 |
FARRANT Richard | d. 1581 | Hide not thou thy face | 60 |