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Early English Church Music
Hosted by Trinity College Dublin
© The British Academy
GB-Lbl MS Harley 7337 Sc
From set: GB-Lbl MSS Harley 7337–42

[Verified up to f. 100 15/03/2014 by AJ]

Composer Dates Title / Incipit Page / Folio / No
AMNER John 1579–1641 A stranger here ???
TALLIS Thomas c.1505–1585 Short Service, the first or Whole Service, Te, Bs, K, Cr, Ma, N 5v–21v
TALLIS Thomas c.1505–1585 Litany 22r–25r
TALLIS Thomas c.1505–1585 I call and cry (adaptation of motet O sacrum convivium) 25v–28r
TALLIS Thomas c.1505–1585 Wipe away my sins (adaptation of motet Absterge Domine) 28v–33v
TALLIS Thomas c.1505–1585 With all our hearts (adaptation of motet Salvator mundi I) 34r–36r
TALLIS Thomas c.1505–1585 O Lord, give thy holy spirit 36v–37r
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 Short Service, the first service of 4, 5 & 6 parts, Te, Bs, K, Cr, Ma, N. 37v–51r
TALLIS Thomas c.1505–1585 Responses 51v–53v
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 Blow the trumpet (Pt II of Sing joyfully) 54r–56v
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 Sing joyfully unto God our strength (Pt II: Blow the trumpet) 54r–56v
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 Bow thine ear (Adaptation of the motet Ne Irascaris) 57r–62v
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 O Lord turn thy wrath (Pt II: Bow thine ear) (Adaptation of the motet Ne Irascaris) 57r–62v
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 O Lord make thy servant 63r–64v
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 Save me O God for thy name's sake (I) 65r–67r
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 Prevent us O Lord 67v–68v
TALLIS Thomas c.1505–1585 Discomfit them, O Lord (adaptation of motet Absterge Domine) 68v–72r
TYE Christopher c.1500–c.1573 Evening Service, to Mr. Parsley's Service (Ma, N) 72v–76v
BULL John c. 1562–1628 Almighty God who by the leading (Almighty God who didst manifest) 76v–80v
MORLEY Thomas 1557–1603 Ma, N 81r–89r
BARCROFT George d. 1610 Te Bs (inc) 89v–96r
STONARD William d.1630 Ma, N 96v–100v
AMNER John 1579–1641 Third Service Short Service <Te Bs Cr Ma N> 101
ROGERS Benjamin 1614–1689 Whole Service, the short sharp service in D sol re, Te, J, Ma, N 106
AMNER John 1579–1641 O come hither and hearken 113
AMNER John 1579–1641 Christ rising again 117
MUNDY William c. 1529–c.1591 O Lord, I bow the knees 119
GIBBONS Orlando 1583–1625 Short Service, First Service of 4 parts (V, Te, Bs, K,Cr, Ma, N) 122
LOOSEMORE Henry c.1600–1670 O Lord increase our faith 135
LOOSEMORE Henry c.1600–1670 Why art thou so heavy 136
MOLLE Henry d.1658 Ma, N 139
PORTMAN Richard d. c.1655 Short Service, the Whole Service, V, Bs, K, Cr, Ma, N 142
MOLLE Henry d.1658 Second Service (Ma, N) 154
PATTRICK Nathaniel d.1595 Short Service, the Whole Service, Te, Bs, K, Cr, Ma, N 157
FARRANT Richard d. 1581 The High Service, the Third, Old or Short Service (Te, Bs, Ma, N) 166
MORLEY Thomas 1557–1603 I am the resurrection (Pt II: I know that my redeemer liveth, Pt III: We brought nothing, Pt IV: ... 174
MORLEY Thomas 1557–1603 I heard a voice (Pt VI of I am the resurrection) 174
MORLEY Thomas 1557–1603 I know that my redeemer liveth (Pt II of I am the resurrection) 174
MORLEY Thomas 1557–1603 In the midst of life (Pt V of I am the resurrection) 174
MORLEY Thomas 1557–1603 Man that is born (Pt IV of I am the resurrection) 174
MORLEY Thomas 1557–1603 We brought nothing (Pt III of I am the resurrection) 174
GILES Nathaniel c. 1558–1633 O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious 177
TOMKINS Thomas 1576–1656 Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom 180
HOOPER Edmund c. 1553–1621 Behold it is Christ 183
BATTEN Adrian c. 1590–1637 Hear my prayer O God and hide not (I) (sometimes performed with verse sections) 185
LOOSEMORE Henry c.1600–1670 Put me not to rebuke, O Lord 187
LAWES William c.1602–1645 The Lord is my light 188