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Early English Church Music
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© The British Academy
US-NYp MS Drexel 4184 Q
John Merro’s partbook
From set: US-NYp MSS Drexel 4180–85

Composer Dates Title / Incipit Page / Folio / No
ANONYMOUS L155 Jerusalem plantabis vineam 16v
CLEMENS (Non Papa) c.1510–1555/6 Circumdederunt me dolores, part 2: Quoniam tribulatio 0
CLEMENS (Non Papa) c.1510–1555/6 Veni electa mea, part 2: Audi filia 0
LASSUS Orlande de 1532–1594 Angelus ad pastores ait 0
LASSUS Orlande de 1532–1594 Veni in hortum meum 0
ANONYMOUS 318 no date O mortal man (I) 1
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 O God give ear 1
CLEMENS (Non Papa) c.1510–1555/6 Jerusalem surge, part 2: Leva in circuitu 1
MUNDY William c. 1529–c.1591 O Lord, I bow the knees 2
STROGERS Nicholas fl. c.1600 Grant unto us, O Lord 3
TALLIS Thomas c.1505–1585 Wipe away my sins (adaptation of motet Absterge Domine) 3
PARSONS Robert d. 1572 Deliver me from mine enemies 4
WHITE Robert c.1535–1574 Lord, who shall dwell 4
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 Prevent us O Lord 6
TALLIS Thomas c.1505–1585 Blessed be thy name (adaptation of motet Mihi autem nimis) 6
TALLIS Thomas c.1505–1585 This is my commandment (authorship not established) 6
SMITH OF GLOUCESTER no date Set up thyself 7
TOMKINS Thomas 1576–1656 Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom 7
AMNER John 1579–1641 I will sing unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed 8
AMNER John 1579–1641 He that descended man to be 9
AMNER John 1579–1641 The heavens stood (Pt II of Thus sings the heavenly choir) 9
AMNER John 1579–1641 How doth the city remain solitary 10
EAST Michael c. 1580–1648 What aileth thee (Pt II of When Israel came out of Egypt 10
EAST Michael c. 1580–1648 When Israel came out of Egypt (Pt II: What aileth thee) 10
SIMMES William fl. c.1600 And thou, my soul (Pt II of Rise O my soul) 11
SIMMES William fl. c.1600 Rise, O my soul 11
SIMMES William fl. c.1600 To thee, O Jesus (Pt III of Rise, O my soul) 11
MUNDY William c. 1529–c.1591 Adolescentus sum ego 15
PARSONS Robert d. 1572 Credo quod redemptor 17
SHEPPARD John c.1515–1558x59 Deus misereatur nostri, part 2: Confiteantur tibi, part 3: Laetentur et exsultet, part 4: Benedic... 23
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 Prostrate O Lord I lie 30
TOMKINS Thomas 1576–1656 O sing unto the Lord a new song, let the congregation 32
EAST Michael c. 1580–1648 Blow up the trumpet (Pt III of Sing we merrily) 33
EAST Michael c. 1580–1648 Sing we merrily (Pt II: Take the psalm. Pt III: Blow up the trumpet) 33
EAST Michael c. 1580–1648 Take the psalm (Pt II of Sing we merrily) 33
AMNER John 1579–1641 And they cry (Pt III of O ye little flock) 36
AMNER John 1579–1641 Fear not (Pt II of O ye little flock) 36
AMNER John 1579–1641 O ye little flock (Pt II: Fear not; Pt III: And they cry) 36
AMNER John 1579–1641 I bring you tidings (Pt II of Lo, how from heaven) 38
AMNER John 1579–1641 Lo how from heaven like stars (Pt II: I bring you tidings) 38
AMNER John 1579–1641 A stranger here 39
AMNER John 1579–1641 My Lord is hence removed and laid 40
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 Blow the trumpet (Pt II of Sing joyfully) 40
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 Sing joyfully unto God our strength (Pt II: Blow the trumpet) 40
TOMKINS Thomas 1576–1656 O God, the proud are risen against me 41
TALLIS Thomas c.1505–1585 Christ is risen (Pt II of Christ rising again) 43
TALLIS Thomas c.1505–1585 Christ rising again 43
ANONYMOUS 289 no date O Lord, how long wilt thou forget 44
TALLIS Thomas c.1505–1585 Salvator mundi salva nos (I) 45
TALLIS Thomas c.1505–1585 Absterge Domine 46
TALLIS Thomas c.1505–1585 Lamentations, extracts a Incipit lamentatio Jeremiae, b De lamentatione Jeremiae, c Plorans ploravit 47
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 Lullaby my sweet little baby (Pt II: Be still my blessed babe) 51
TALLIS Thomas c.1505–1585 (Homo) quidam fecit cenam magnam 51
TALLIS Thomas c.1505–1585 O sacrum convivium 51
WHITE Robert c.1535–1574 Deus misereatur nostri, part 2: Laetentur et exsultent 64
SHEPPARD John c.1515–1558x59 (Libera nos) salva nos (I) 66v
SHEPPARD John c.1515–1558x59 (Libera nos) salva nos (II) 67r
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 In resurrectione tua Domine 67
SHEPPARD John c.1515–1558x59 Magnificat 67v
ANONYMOUS 099 no date Blessed art thou that fearest God (II) 71
NICHOLSON Richard d. c. 1639 Cantate Domino canticum novum 71
PARSONS Robert d. 1572 Holy Lord God almighty (the introductory 'Holy, holy, holy' is omitted in some sources) 75
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 All ye people clap your hands 76
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 Bow thine ear (Adaptation of the motet Ne Irascaris) 77
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 O Lord turn thy wrath (Pt II: Bow thine ear) (Adaptation of the motet Ne Irascaris) 77
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 Out of the deep (I) 78
ANONYMOUS 093 no date Behold how good and joyful (II) 79
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 Laudate pueri Dominum 79
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 How long shall mine enemies 80
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 O Lord make thy servant 81
MUNDY William c. 1529–c.1591 Domine non est exaltatum 81
SMITH no date When David heard that Absalom 85
GILES Nathaniel c. 1558–1633 O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious 86
ROOSE no date Dum transisset sabbatum 86
HOOPER Edmund c. 1553–1621 Behold it is Christ 87
DAVIES Hugh c. 1600–1644 Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous 88
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 O God whom our offences 89
ANONYMOUS 154 no date Hear my crying, O God (I) (Pt II: O Lord, I will dwell) 90
ANONYMOUS 303 no date O Lord, rebuke me not in thine indignation 92
WEELKES Thomas ? – 1623 All people clap your hands 92
SHEPPARD John c.1515–1558x59 Magnificat, extracts a Quia fecit, b Sicut locutus, c Sicut erat, d Et sanctum nomen, e Esurientes 94
TUCKER Edmund fl. early 17th century Christ is risen (Pt II of Christ rising again) 94
TUCKER Edmund fl. early 17th century Christ rising again 94
RANDALL William fl. c.1585–1620 Give sentence with me, O Lord 112
FORD Thomas c.1580–1648 Let God arise 114
TOMKINS Thomas 1576–1656 Woe is me that I am constrained 118
TOMKINS Thomas 1576–1656 It is my well beloved's voice 119
TOMKINS Thomas 1576–1656 Turn unto the Lord 120
AMNER John 1579–1641 O sing unto the Lord a new song, let the congregation 139
BATESON Thomas c. 1570–1630 Holy Lord God Almighty 140
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 Out of the deep (II) (Published as O Gibbons in TCM Vol.IV. Authorship not established) 141
JEFFREYS Matthew fl. c.1590 Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous 142
MUNDY John d. 1630 O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious 144
DAVIES Hugh c. 1600–1644 Awake up my glory 145
TOMKINS Thomas 1576–1656 Lord, enter not into judgement 147
TOMKINS Thomas 1576–1656 O praise the Lord, all ye heathen (I) 148
WEELKES Thomas ? – 1623 O Lord, arise 148