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Early English Church Music
Hosted by Trinity College Dublin
© The British Academy
US-NYp MS Drexel 4185 Sx
John Merro’s partbook
From set: US-NYp MSS Drexel 4180–85

Composer Dates Title / Incipit Page / Folio / No
ANONYMOUS L155 Jerusalem plantabis vineam 50
CLEMENS (Non Papa) c.1510–1555/6 Circumdederunt me dolores, part 2: Quoniam tribulatio 0
CLEMENS (Non Papa) c.1510–1555/6 Veni electa mea, part 2: Audi filia 0
LASSUS Orlande de 1532–1594 Angelus ad pastores ait 0
LASSUS Orlande de 1532–1594 Veni in hortum meum 0
CLEMENS (Non Papa) c.1510–1555/6 Jerusalem surge, part 2: Leva in circuitu 1
TOMKINS Thomas 1576–1656 O sing unto the Lord a new song, let the congregation 1
EAST Michael c. 1580–1648 Blow up the trumpet (Pt III of Sing we merrily) 3
EAST Michael c. 1580–1648 Sing we merrily (Pt II: Take the psalm. Pt III: Blow up the trumpet) 3
EAST Michael c. 1580–1648 Take the psalm (Pt II of Sing we merrily) 3
AMNER John 1579–1641 And they cry (Pt III of O ye little flock) 7
AMNER John 1579–1641 Fear not (Pt II of O ye little flock) 7
AMNER John 1579–1641 O ye little flock (Pt II: Fear not; Pt III: And they cry) 7
AMNER John 1579–1641 I bring you tidings (Pt II of Lo, how from heaven) 8
AMNER John 1579–1641 Lo how from heaven like stars (Pt II: I bring you tidings) 8
AMNER John 1579–1641 A stranger here 9
AMNER John 1579–1641 My Lord is hence removed and laid 10
TOMKINS Thomas 1576–1656 O sing unto the Lord a new song, let the congregation 10
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 Blow the trumpet (Pt II of Sing joyfully) 12
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 Sing joyfully unto God our strength (Pt II: Blow the trumpet) 12
TOMKINS Thomas 1576–1656 O God, the proud are risen against me 13
TALLIS Thomas c.1505–1585 (Homo) quidam fecit cenam magnam 18
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 Laudate pueri Dominum 22
WHITE Robert c.1535–1574 Deus misereatur nostri, part 2: Laetentur et exsultent 25
MUNDY William c. 1529–c.1591 Domine non est exaltatum 26
SHEPPARD John c.1515–1558x59 (Libera nos) salva nos (I) 27v
SHEPPARD John c.1515–1558x59 (Libera nos) salva nos (II) 28r
RANDALL William fl. c.1585–1620 Give sentence with me, O Lord 30
TOMKINS Thomas 1576–1656 Woe is me that I am constrained 44
TOMKINS Thomas 1576–1656 It is my well beloved's voice 45
TOMKINS Thomas 1576–1656 Turn unto the Lord 46
MUNDY William c. 1529–c.1591 Adolescentus sum ego 49
PARSONS Robert d. 1572 Credo quod redemptor 50
AMNER John 1579–1641 O sing unto the Lord a new song, let the congregation 57
BATESON Thomas c. 1570–1630 Holy Lord God Almighty 60
BYRD William c. 1540–1623 Out of the deep (II) (Published as O Gibbons in TCM Vol.IV. Authorship not established) 62
SHEPPARD John c.1515–1558x59 Deus misereatur nostri, part 2: Confiteantur tibi, part 3: Laetentur et exsultet, part 4: Benedic... 62
JEFFREYS Matthew fl. c.1590 Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous 63
MUNDY John d. 1630 O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious 64
DAVIES Hugh c. 1600–1644 Awake up my glory 65
WEELKES Thomas ? – 1623 O Lord, arise 68
TOMKINS Thomas 1576–1656 O praise the Lord, all ye heathen (I) 69
SHEPPARD John c.1515–1558x59 Magnificat, extracts a Quia fecit, b Sicut locutus, c Sicut erat, d Et sanctum nomen, e Esurientes 82
MORLEY Thomas 1557–1603 O amica mea, part 2: Dentes tui sicut greges 103